- 25 Masses for One Year The merits attached to the recital of the Rosary in the Salesian Schools. The prayers and good works performed by the Salesian Fathers and Brothers. To keep a larger order of cards on-hand, please contact the office directly at 617-569-6551.
- That graces from Masses, rosaries, and good works assist a deceased individual acceptance into the kingdom of God
- A Mass Card notifying the bereaved family that a mass is to be offered for the repose of the soul of the deceased person.
- Catholic Memorial cards are often used as a meaningful keepsake distributed at funeral or memorial services.
- Sending a Catholic Mass card is appropriate after a Catholic funeral service or on the anniversary of a friend or loved one's death.
- A Mass said for a deceased individual that they be received into the kingdom of God
- Asking for God's graces throughout the year with 25 Masses, rosaries, and good works performed in Salesian Houses
- 25 Masses for One Year The merits attached to the recital of the Rosary in the Salesian Schools. The prayers and good works performed by the Salesian Fathers and Brothers. To keep a larger order of cards on-hand, please contact the office directly at 617-569-6551.
- A Mass Card indicates that a person will be included in the intentions at a specific Catholic Mass.
- 50 Masses Annually for Five Years The merits attached to the recital of the Rosary in the Salesian Schools. The prayers and good works performed by the Salesian Fathers and Brothers. To keep a larger order of cards on-hand, please contact the office directly at 617-569-6551.